You have selected the Platinum membership level.
This Membership Level includes the following:
- Self-Help Kits (2 X Month)
- eBooks (2 X Month)
- Growth Empowerment Tools (1 X Month)
- Printable (1 X Month)
- Downloadable Self-Help Training Course (1 X Month)
- Live Masterclass (1 X Month)
- Enrollment for Full Training Course (1 X Month)
- INSTANT 25% Discount on all previous products released before you become a member.
- INSTANT 25% Discount on all non-member products released every month in our store.
- Free Training & Education products when released in the store.
- Pay annually and get two months on us. (R 700.00 Discount).
- 60 Minute BUSINESS COACHING session after joining.
The price for membership is R 3,500.00 per Year.