Membership Checkout

Member Registration

  1. Choose your email address as your username below.

  2. Choose your own password (a minimum of eight characters) to enter the membership area.

  3. Write down the username and password to ensure smooth and immediate entry to the membership area.

Membership Information

You have selected the Platinum membership level.

This Membership Level includes the following:
  • Self-Help Kits (2 X Month)
  • eBooks (2 X Month)
  • Growth Empowerment Tools (1 X Month)
  • Printable (1 X Month)
  • Downloadable Self-Help Training Course (1 X Month)
  • Live Masterclass (1 X Month)
  • Enrollment for Full Training Course (1 X Month)
  • INSTANT 25% Discount on all previous products released before you become a member.
  • INSTANT 25% Discount on all non-member products released every month in our store.
  • Free Training & Education products when released in the store.
  • Pay annually and get two months on us. (R 700.00 Discount).
  • 60 Minute BUSINESS COACHING session after joining.

The price for membership is R 3,500.00 per Year.

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here
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NOTE: if changing a subscription it may take a minute or two to reflect. Please also login to your PayFast account to ensure the old subscription is cancelled.

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